Entering the Elements of Fire + Ice

Entering the Elements of Fire + Ice - A Practical Look into the Practice of Contrast Therapy

By Gary Grisham

“Wow, I feel good!” The opening lyric to the iconic anthem by James Brown shot through my soul like an electric current as I completed my first experience of a Contrast Therapy cycle. The following line, “I knew that I would now,” flowed right on beat as a reminder that even with the expected resistance going in, I somehow knew the desired outcome was guaranteed. This is often the common theme associated with gearing up for a sauna and cold plunge combo or even one by itself - “Ouf, I dunno if I really wanna do this,” turns into, “Yup, I knew I needed that!” Similar to the notion, the Magic we seek (often) lies in the Work we’re meant to be doing. For a lot of us, we know that there is great benefit in exposing ourselves to things that sit on opposite ends of the spectrum. And even still, we are very clever of talking ourselves out of actually doing the thing.

In this case we are talking about overcoming the resistance, enduring and eventually enjoying the icy cold water and the red hot heat. I’ll also outline some of the preparation, breathing and mindset training that encompasses this practice.

Multi Year Exploration

Discipline can be a tricky beast for those of us that live most of our day flying by the seat of our pants. Hey don’t get me wrong, there is definitely a time and a place to take action without a plan and to go by feel. And - as the former Seal Team 3 commander Jocko Willink says, Discipline Equals Freedom. So when it comes to cold and heat exposure, the more disciplined one can be pre, peri and post, the more fulfilling and free the experience becomes.

Here’s a brief story of how I became informed and enamored with Breath-Work, Cold Water and Saunas that paved the way to my own practice and eventually guiding others. My first encounter with breath-work outside of yoga was in 2018 during a Wim Hof Method ‘Breathing’ workshop with Donato Helbling at the Budokon Academy in Miami. The expression “like a fish out of water” was finally clear to me then. I was floored, spun out and fully connected at the same time. What was very clear was the facilitators knew their stuff, the participants were willing to go there and the material deeply resonated. The breath-work bug bit me that day.

The power and exhilarating effects of Cold Water were introduced by WHM instructor and BJJ black belt Brandon Powell in Charlotte, NC circa 2019. Getting to train jiu jitsu under Brandon along with multiple WHM workshops allowed for a potent mix of lessons and applications to sink in over the time spent there. As the paraphrased Wim quote goes, “the cold was slowly becoming a warm friend” Saunas were the final side of the pyramid. Summer 2022 was the first time a semi regular sauna routine entered my life. I was able to witness the deep stillness the sauna provides as the whole group sat, breathed and shared what looked like “half drunken smiles.” This just happened to be in a floating sauna in my wife’s hometown of Ålesund, Norway. (Kudos to the Scandinavians for popularizing the floating sauna on the sea - I mean if you're gonna do the Nordic cycle, go All In am I right!?) This was also the first true experience of pairing extreme heat and extreme cold. Yin and Yang in the fullest expression.

Allow me to provide a glimpse into my personal experience in hopes to paint a picture on how to prepare, settle in and ultimately enjoy this process fully.

My Process of Trial and lots of Error :)

( PRE )

This is the longest portion, for good reason. “Know the map before heading up the mountain”

1. HYDRATE INTENTIONALLY - When someone says ‘hydrate beforehand’ I used to take that as, “Ok drink some water, got it.” Well, kinda. We actually want to add in extra. essential minerals so we loose less during exertion and optimize our bodies ability to function well. High quality sea/Himalayan salt or the latest and greatest electrolyte supplement are my go to’s.

2. REDUCE CAFFEINE INTAKE - This goes along with #1 but has some nuance. Firstly, caffeine is a Diuretic - they help the body get rid of extra fluid and salt. Well we definitely don’t want that right, so if you’re gonna consume caffeine do so mindfully and don’t crush a cold brew right before. Secondly, high doses of caffeine can cause jitters so if you’re already a little nervous going in we don’t want to add to the equation.

3. GET IN YOUR ZONE - The 3 S’s baby! Song - Saying - Sacred Scream. (Song) Find your jam, crank it and sing it. Singing out loud is centering and the vibration of your own voice is soothing. (Saying) A encouraging prayer, personal mantra or lyric from your favorite song are all very useful in keeping your mind focused and having ‘something to come back to’ if discomfort arises. (The Sacred Scream) Ah, this is a fun one and ties into #4. We often aren’t allowed the space to let out a primal sounding scream. But gee lemme tell it feels damn good! And it’s a powerful tool to get into your body, sometimes once the voice is released the body follows. Cue the automatic Sigh & Smile combo that usually follows. Whether it’s nerves or tension of some sort, accessing your scream is worth investigating.

4. GET IN YOUR BODY - “When anxious energy starts to creep in, try breaking a sweat.” One of my teachers drove this idea home some years back and it has served well in many situations. No need to sweat intensively. What we’re after is the type of movement that has the potential to make you perspire. Simple sun salutes, air squats or boogie to your song all day long.

5. VISUALIZE THE DESIRED OUTCOME - Most of us have heard this so I’m gonna keep it simple and what’s worked for me. We want to feel amazing afterwards right? Good. news, these practices almost never disappoint that desire. See, Feel and Walk as that. person that feels amazing right now. Simple, I know. Effective and often. underestimated.

*Prep doesn’t need to be over the top but also doesn’t need to be neglected.

Honing in on these 5 is a good start and will surely elevate your experience as a whole.

The Streamlined Scenario

Ideally we can stack all these variables in a simple and effective flow.

Ya ready? Here we go…

Finish the caffeine early, get your hydration cocktail handy, put on your song, sing a little, dance a lot, let out your scream and truly feel the moment of yourself coming out on the other side renewed, refreshed and ready to rock!

( PERI )

You’ve done your prep, you’re centered and ready to enter

“Stay the course and feel no remorse”

1. BREATH - This is the most crucial component in my opinion. The ‘Entering Breath’ is a test of its own. A slow and controlled exhalation is your best friend in that moment. “A. good exhale makes space for a proper inhale.” This can set the tone for the whole experience, but not to worry - a panicky entry can still lead to a peaceful exit. For the remainder, bring in breathing patterns that promote ‘down-regulation.”

2. MIND - A positive, clear and calm mind are all pieces of the puzzle. Training the ‘Mental Override’ is what I’m more interested in touching on. This is the idea of pushing that Go Button all the way down and taking the leap that’s in front of you. As previously stated, we know exactly the right argument and reasoning to talk ourselves out of a situation, and sometimes that’s helpful. But also, we need the ability to mash that button and say “Ok sorry ‘Mind’, we’re doing this - Let’s Go”.

3. BODY - The idea of doing movement and preparation breathing beforehand is so that you can more easily find stillness while “in it”. And even so, stillness is hard. Here’s a. procedure I follow if I can’t get still - Feel it. Scan it. Move it. “Moving it” entails inviting subtle movements as necessary. Start with fingers, toes and neck and then move to the other major joints if needed. This can help bring attention back to what’s here and now. your physical body.

( POST )

You’ve made it out. Now what?

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new” - Albert Einstein

1. LESS IS MORE - Know that the ways to conclude an experience like this are many. Point being, you’ve completed the work so enjoy the afterglow. A little stillness, some movement or a nourishing conversation are all excellent options to elongate the mood. Depending on the time of day some of us will be heading to work, family time, etc… so planning accordingly to give yourself time to “ease into the next thing” is always preferable.

2. REPLENISH, DON’T DIMINISH - This goes hand in hand with the prep protocol. Engage with and ingest things that are supportive to what you just put your body and mind through. This is where the real benefits start to show up. If you were to ask what I’ve gained over the time spent exploring these modalities the first few things coming to mind are : upgraded physical performance, more mental clarity and a greater sense of wellbeing in my day to day. I hope this sparks interest to dip your toes into what believe is a life changing practice that can stay with you for a lifetime.


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The Dance of Enlightenment